Search: requests
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The Agribusiness Update
Canada requests talks with Mexico over biotech corn import ban, and Helios Articial Intelligence launches open beta of platform to identify ag supply chain disruptions.
The Agribusiness Update
The Agricultural Council of America is hosting an essay contest to celebrate National Ag Day 2023, and US Trade Rep., Katherine Tai requests dispute settlement consultation over Canada's dairy tariff-rate quota under the USMCA.
The Agribusiness Update
The University of Georgia CAES talks about the threat of avian influenza, and Monday kicks off Ag Safety Awareness Week.
The Agribusiness Update
Unemployed Americans hits 44 year low while H-2A requests double, and China retaliates to latest U.S. tariffs.
The Agribusiness Update
H-2A visa requests up 17% in first quarter fiscal year 2018, and Merck Animal Health study confirms mental illness concerns among veterinarians.
The Agribusiness Update
House and Senate consider dozens of Farm Bill funding requests, and EPA puts Dicamba on Restricted Use list for 2018.