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9 Results
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair address the scare tactics going on by activist groups take shots at their products.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair address the scare tactics going on by activist groups take shots at their products.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair talks about the barrage of accusations ag producers face, including apple growers.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair talks about the barrage of accusations ag producers face, including apple growers.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple growers pushing back on false claims about fruit safety.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple growers pushing back on false claims about fruit safety.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair he knows what it's like to be the target of activists.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair he knows what it's like to be the target of activists.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington Association of Wheat Growers give media a tour of their world.