Search: reintroduced
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10 Results
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The reintroduced Food Date Labeling Act could help remove confusion for consumers wondering when food is still safe to eat.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The reintroduced Food Date Labeling Act could help remove confusion for consumers wondering when food is still safe to eat.
The Agribusiness Update
The Defending Domestic Produce Production Act has been reintroduced to Congress, and the House is predicted to follow Senate's lead and pass a first ever Climate Mitigation bill for agriculture.
The Agribusiness Update
Philippines lowers tariffs on pork temporarily, and the Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act aims to preserving fairs across the country.
The Agribusiness Update
University of Florida uses AI to breed flavor into fruit, and Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act reintroduced.
The Agribusiness Update
Study shows, land-grant universities in need of funding for repairs and renovations to facilities, and Farm Workforce Modernization Act is reintroduced to the House of Representatives.
The Agribusiness Update
For the first time, Georgia is ranked among the top 10 Ag Exporting States in 2020, and Farm Workforce Modernization Act is reintroduced in the House of Representatives.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act has been reintroduced to the House of Representatives by co-sponsors Zoe Lofgren of California and Washington state's Dan Newhouse.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act has been reintroduced to the House of Representatives by co-sponsors Zoe Lofgren of California and Washington state's Dan Newhouse.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act has been reintroduced to the House of Representatives by co-sponsors Zoe Lofgren of California and Washington state's Dan Newhouse.