Search: rains
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1567 Results
Idaho Ag Today
A University of Idaho Extension-led team is now accepting in-state applications for two U.S. Department of Agriculture grants.
Line on Agriculture
The US Grains Council continues to work on getting grains into new overseas markets and they view India as a big opportunity for domestic producers.
Line on Agriculture
US Grains Council trade mission meetings are expected to increase corn exports for ethanol use in Europe.
Idaho Ag Today
USDAs latest quarterly look at small grains provided a final view of those crops for the 2024 growing season, with emphasis on wheat.
Line on Agriculture
Canada and Mexico are top export destinations for US Ethanol and Distiller's Dried Grains, respectively.
The Agribusiness Update
The fungal disease “southern blight” has been a perennial problem for processing tomatoes in the San Joaquin Valley but is now seen scattered in the Sacramento Valley fields, and the USDA joins the Education Department and other parent and school meal groups to celebrate new school meal options.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. Grains Council met with key Chinese stakeholders to discuss the eco-friendly benefits of the Corn Sustainability Assurance Protocol, and Amp Americas, a dairy renewable natural gas company has completed a project that converts dairy waste into RNG.
Line on Agriculture
Grain Analyst Comments on Russia-Ukraine War and its impact on markets.
The Agribusiness Update
For the first time, farmers and ranchers bought crop insurance policies on more than 500 million acres last year, and the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization’s Food Price Index stood at 120.4 points in May, up 0.9% from its April level.
The Agribusiness Update
For the first time, farmers and ranchers bought crop insurance policies on more than 500 million acres last year, and the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization’s Food Price Index stood at 120.4 points in May, up 0.9% from its April level.
The Agribusiness Update
The USDA announced the next steps in addressing the complex competition issues in ag markets and creating a fairer playing field for poultry growers and farmers, and the International Grains Council released its Market Report that shows a reduction in the forecast for world grains production.
Line on Agriculture
Rabobank came out with their 10-year Grain and Oilseed Outlook Report. It shows that export competition is creating an oversupply of grains and that means farmers having to make tough decisions.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. farmers are expected to produce 1.28 billion bushels of winter wheat this year, up 2% from last year, according to NASS, and as solar energy is gaining traction across the country, it’s surprising how much solar companies pay farmers to lease their land.
The Agribusiness Update
California’s new farm labor organizing law has delivered wins for the union but also a string of allegations from employers, farmworkers and labor organizers, and the Northern Lights lit up skies around the U.S., but also played havoc with farmers during spring planting.
The Agribusiness Update
Alabama is now the second state to ban the sale of cultured meat, and the Northern Lights lit up skies around the U.S., but also played havoc with farmers during spring planting.
The Agribusiness Update
Heavy rainstorms this spring have boosted California’s water supply for farming but have dampened farmers market attendance and crop selection, and the USDA has mandated testing for H5N1 of dairy cattle that cross state lines in a move to protect the livestock industry.
This weeks Beef Exports were 15 % higher than the previous week and 4% higher over the month.
Cattle Futures steady following Tuesday’s selloff, as Cash cattle remain resilient.
The selloff continues in the Beef Market, as prices hit 60 day lows.
Traders see a bit of a of correction in the Beef Market following the Cattle On Feed Report last.