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The Agribusiness Update
California regulation prohibits the use of autonomous ag equipment without a driver, and House Ag Committee Chair Glenn 'GT' Thompson expressed his appreciation and congratulated Brooke Rollins on her confirmation as Ag Secretary.
The Agribusiness Update
Proposition 12, the California law that prohibits the sale of whole pork that comes from pigs raised in gestation crates, is now in place, and the U.N.’s Food and Agricultural Organization says world food prices dropped in December.
The Agribusiness Update
Proposition 12, the California law that prohibits the sale of whole pork in the state that comes from the pigs raised in gestation crates, is now in place, and USDA’s Undersecretary Alexis Taylor will lead a trade mission to India in April and USDA is accepting applications from exporters who'd like to join her.
The Agribusiness Update
Negotiations continue on a new labor contract for workers at West Coast Ports, and the American Farm Bureau Federation's Farm Dog of the Year contest.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA is out with the latest crop acreage estimates for the Southern Region, and American Farm Bureau Federation's Farm Dog of the Year contest.