Search: prohibit
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34 Results
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers in the eight counties of California’s San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District will be prohibited from nearly all open burning under a state law adopted in 2003, and USDA's response to bird flu in poultry and cows will end up costing at least $2 billion.
Fruit Grower Report
Whether in Olympia or other urban parts of our state, there seems to be a big misunderstanding or ignorance of what the H-2A guestworker visa program is and how it works.
Fruit Grower Report
Jon DeVaney, President of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association, says SSB 6304 contains a provision that would prohibit trucks over 10,000 from idling longer than 5 minutes.
Fruit Grower Report
Jon DeVaney, President of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association, says SSB 6304 contains a provision that would prohibit trucks over 10,000 from idling longer than 5 minutes.
The Agribusiness Update
Proposition 12, the California law that prohibits the sale of whole pork that comes from pigs raised in gestation crates, is now in place, and the U.N.’s Food and Agricultural Organization says world food prices dropped in December.
The Agribusiness Update
Proposition 12, the California law that prohibits the sale of whole pork in the state that comes from the pigs raised in gestation crates, is now in place, and USDA’s Undersecretary Alexis Taylor will lead a trade mission to India in April and USDA is accepting applications from exporters who'd like to join her.
The Agribusiness Update
The Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Pest Program sees its first substantial decline in the number of Japanese beetles, and Ninth Circuit Appeals Court recently affirmed a permanent injunction prohibiting California's Prop 65 warning requirement related to glyphosate.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA proposes changes to standards for grades of shelled and whole pecans, and Ninth Circuit Appeals Court recently affirmed a permanent injunction prohibiting California's Prop 65 warning requirement related to glyphosate.
The Agribusiness Update
The Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Pest Program sees its first substantial decline in the number of Japanese beetles, and Ninth Circuit Appeals Court recently affirmed a permanent injunction prohibiting California's Prop 65 warning requirement related to glyphosate.
The Agribusiness Update
The National Association of Wheat Growers completed the second part of its 2023 summer Farm Bill Fly-Ins to the nation’s capital, and the House of Representatives approved a bill prohibiting California’s attempt to eliminate all gas-powered vehicles.
The Agribusiness Update
Large trucks built before 2010 are no prohibited in California, and Ag groups file legal challenge to the EPA's new WOTUS rule.
The Agribusiness Update
Large trucks built before 2010 are no prohibited in California, and Ag groups file legal challenge to the EPA's new WOTUS rule.
The Agribusiness Update
Negotiations continue on a new labor contract for workers at West Coast Ports, and the American Farm Bureau Federation's Farm Dog of the Year contest.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA is out with the latest crop acreage estimates for the Southern Region, and American Farm Bureau Federation's Farm Dog of the Year contest.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse gives an update on his bill that would prohibit the Chinese government from buying any more American farmland and limit their participation in USDA programs ... except food safety inspections.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse gives an update on his bill that would prohibit the Chinese government from buying any more American farmland and limit their participation in USDA programs ... except food safety inspections.
The Agribusiness Update
Japan's commitment to reducing dependence on imported petroleum could boost demand for ethanol, and a bill introduced by Washington Representative Dan Newhouse would prohibit the Chinese government from buying U.S. ag land.
The Agribusiness Update
Senate passes Ocean Shipping Reform Act in response to port congestion, and farm and renewable fuel supporters are not happy after the President allows release of petroleum from strategic oil reserves.
The Agribusiness Update
EPA reverses decades of practice on pesticide evaluation for Endangered Species, and Oregon State University finds hemp compound that could help in the fight against COVID.
The Agribusiness Update
Four major farm groups are urging EPA not to impose new herbicide restrictions, and U.S. Mexico ag officials meet to discuss bans on certain pesticides and biotechnology.