Search: planned
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9 Results
The Agribusiness Update
An agreement would pay farmers participating in the “deficit irrigation” program if they stop irrigating and sacrifice one or two hay cuttings, and retail sales of U.S. potatoes increased by both volume and dollar sales in July 2023-thru-June of this year.
The Agribusiness Update
University of Florida Extension is working with its Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department to launch a new Farm Technology Field Day, and retail sales of U.S. potatoes increased by both volume and dollar sales in July 2023-thru-June of this year.
The Agribusiness Update
President Trump is talking trade with officials from India, and a new, better strawberry variety released.
The Agribusiness Update
The FDA is promising a new era of smarter food safety, and China cancels U.S. Heartland farm visits.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA says monthly crop supply and demand report will be out February 8th, and now that government employees are back to work USDA says dairy is a priority.
Land & Livestock Report
If you are interested in learning more about the Holistic Management System there are two workshops coming in the next two months that will help you gain more knowledge.
Land & Livestock Report
Are you familiar with the TED conferences? Well, one of the most inspirational people I've had the opportunity to interview in the last year has been Allan Savory, the father of holistic planned grazing.
Land & Livestock Report
Allan Savory, who 40 plus years ago began healing the land with holistic planned grazing, spoke at the WCA Convention earlier this week and said the conventional wisdom has been resting the world's ground to death.