Search: phylloxera
7 Results
7 Results
Line on Agriculture
Following a decade-long effort, scientists have mapped out the genome of an aphid-like pest capable of decimating vineyards.
The Agribusiness Update
Atlanta company offers new line of paper potato bags, and National Cattlemen's Beef Association launches #Benefitsofbeef campaign.
The Agribusiness Update
Atlanta company offers new line of paper potato bags, and National Cattlemen's Beef Association launches #Benefitsofbeef campaign.
From The Editor
This week we have been learning what phylloxera is and what it has to do with wine and today we will conclude our series.
Vine to Wine
I am certain many of you have heard or read references to phylloxera. Today we will continue our series explaining what phylloxera is and what it has to do with wine.
Vine to Wine
Yesyterday we started a series of programs to explain what phylloxera is and what it has to do with wine.
Vine to Wine
When tasting at a winery or reading a wine book or webpage, I am certain many of you have seen references to phylloxera.