Search: oranges
22 Results
22 Results
Southeast Regional Ag News
One of the largest orange growers in the United States – Alico Inc – has now announced that, following recent hurricanes and years of battling plant disease, they are making an exodus from the citrus industry.
The Agribusiness Update
Bloomberg reports that "oranges and some citrus trees are lying useless on the ground in Florida's groves after Hurricane Milton, and farmers are looking to weeding robots as herbicide resistance solution.
Southeast Regional Ag News
USDA APHIS finds that two genetically engineered citrus plants from the University of Florida pose no increased risk from a plant pest risk perspective.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
When feedstocks are tight, think outside the box. That advice comes from Joe Bender, veterinarian and a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Does the Farm Bill have the power to help?
The Agribusiness Update
USDA's Florida citrus forecast up slightly, and the price of eggs are showing signs of recovery with a drop of 11% in March.
Southeast Regional Ag News
The new report from the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences set the estimated overall production losses at $1.03 billion.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Victoria Hornbaker, Director of the Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Division of the California Department of Agriculture, identifies the symptoms that have only been seen domestically in California thus far.
Southeast Regional Ag News
For the first time in history, citrus yellow vein clearing virus has now been found in the United States.
The Agribusiness Update
The USDA reduces forecast for Florida oranges, and NPPC applauds announcement that U.S. pork will be allowed in India.
The Agribusiness Update
Florida's December citrus projections down slightly from October, and EPA's Renewable Fuels Obligation changes criticized.
The Agribusiness Update
The National 4-H Conference Center is up for sale thanks to the pandemic, and the West Coast Produce Expo will be held IN-PERSON in May in Las Vegas.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA projects minor decrease in Florida oranges while grapefruit remain steady, and U.S. beef and pork exports off slightly to start the year.
The Agribusiness Update
The USDA has released update projections for Florida citrus production, and Alabama Farmers Ag Foundation accepting applications from farmers who suffered losses from Hurricane Zeta.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA economist says food supply abundant despite pandemic, and Year-Round fruit availability shifts summer demand.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA estimates worldwide production of citrus will be lower, and National Association of Wheat Growers hail President Trump's signing of USMCA.
The Agribusiness Update
California navel oranges are slightly smaller this year, and Ranchers are being encouraged to Tweet President Trump to voice their frustration.
The Agribusiness Update
Citrus growers in Florida clean-up after Hurricane Irma destroys half of crop, and USDA survey shows farmers planting more cover crops with good results.
Northwest Report
Florida is bracing for more cold weather...the FTC is cracking down on bogus diet companies...and Lacy talks Meal Sharing.
Fruit Grower Report
Fruit prices continue to be on the volatile side.