Search: mitigation
33 Results
33 Results
California Ag Today
Senator Anna M. Caballero has introduced Senate Bill 72, known as California Water for All. The legislation sets an interim goal of adding 9 million acre-feet of water supply by 2040, with a 50-year planning horizon to guide long-term targets.
Idaho Ag Today
IDWR Director finds shortfall in 2024 end-of-season Methodology Order
California Ag Today
Western ranchers are rallying behind bills aimed at using livestock grazing to prevent wildfires.
Line on Agriculture
A new bill aims to provide more assistance to farmers hit by natural diaster which includes both positive and negative aspects for the ag industry, according to one state commodity group.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
With farmers up against tight margins and continuing to wait on a new Farm Bill, the Farm Assistance and Revenue Mitigation Act, or FARM Act, has been introduced in Congress to help offset some of that financial pressure.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
With farmers up against tight margins and continuing to wait on a new Farm Bill, the Farm Assistance and Revenue Mitigation Act, or FARM Act, has been introduced in Congress to help offset some of that financial pressure.
The Agribusiness Update
The Farm Assistance and Revenue Mitigation, or FARM Act was introduced and sponsored by more than 40 members of Congress, and from 2021 to 22, agricultural greenhouse gas emissions decreased 18 million metric tons and in share of entire U.S. emissions.
The Agribusiness Update
The Farm Assistance and Revenue Mitigation, or FARM Act was introduced and sponsored by more than 40 members of Congress, and from 2021 to 22, agricultural greenhouse gas emissions decreased 18 million metric tons and in share of entire U.S. emissions.
Line on Agriculture
USDA seeks to protect communities and infrastructure from catastrophic wildfires.
Line on Agriculture
Dan Keppen, Executive Director of the Family Farm Alliance
Fruit Grower Report
Washington State Tree Fruit Association president Jon DeVaney gives his thoughts on HB 1838, the Buffer Bill, that proposes to expand the riparian mitigation zones along rivers, streams and lakes to 100-250 feet.
Fruit Grower Report
Washington State Tree Fruit Association president Jon DeVaney gives his thoughts on HB 1838, the Buffer Bill, that proposes to expand the riparian mitigation zones along rivers, streams and lakes to 100-250 feet.
Fruit Grower Report
The Washington Policy Center's Pam Lewison breaks down the major faults in HB 1838, the Buffer Bill.
Fruit Grower Report
The Washington Policy Center's Pam Lewison breaks down the major faults in HB 1838, the Buffer Bill.
The Agribusiness Update
The Defending Domestic Produce Production Act has been reintroduced to Congress, and the House is predicted to follow Senate's lead and pass a first ever Climate Mitigation bill for agriculture.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA working on de-risk investments for climate mitigation practices like Carbon Bank, and USDA's Farm Income Forecast & Export Data shows need for expanding markets.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA allocates $5.5-million for pest detection and surveillance, and Western State push for water infrastructure funding in future packages.
The Agribusiness Update
Cargill acquires soy processing plant in China, and $1-billion added to Farmers to Families Food Box Program.
Fruit Grower Report
Pear Bureau gets $1.5-million for marketing foreign exports.
Fruit Grower Report
Pear Bureau gets $1.5-million for marketing foreign exports.