Search: larva
14 Results
14 Results
Idaho Ag Today
The United States Department of Agriculture has approved the first-ever vaccine for honeybees to prevent American foulbrood disease.
Idaho Ag Today
The United States Department of Agriculture has approved the first-ever vaccine for honeybees.
The Agribusiness Update
The National Potato Council calls for tariffs on E.U. French Fries to balance trade, and California Citrus Mutual applauds Trump plan to protect U.S. Citrus from import advantages.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Sometimes all it takes are some friends.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
New state Department of Ag director announced, permit to control mosquitoes updated, and Congressman Newhouse talks about help for those in the ag industry affected by the drought.
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Northwest Report
Could you go without sugar for a whole year?...You just might see the farms of the future popping up in some strange places...and Lacy gets down and dirty with pests.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
There are many insects organic farmers and gardeners want and need to have around their crops.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Taiwan plant health and quarantine inspectors check out Washington apples.
Food Forethought
There is a dark side to the lovely little pine white butterfly.
Food Forethought
Remember, not all creepy crawlies in the garden are "bad bugs".
Food Forethought
The real culprit behind colony collapse disorder might have been right under scientists noses all along.
Food Forethought
A warning to crop destroying insects everywhere, beware the arrival of the tape wrapped cadavers.
Land & Livestock Report
Flies are a definite problem when it comes to cattle causing a great deal of discomfort. A new approach seems to be working very well.
Land & Livestock Report
Flies are a definite problem when it comes to cattle causing a great deal of discomfort. A new approach seems to be working very well.