Search: jolene
25 Results
25 Results
Southeast Regional Ag News
Jolene Brown, agricultural estate planning extraordinaire, gives tips on the process of transitioning your farm.
California Ag Today
Jolene Brown outlines the necessities for any good farm or ranch transition.
Land & Livestock Report
Being in business with your family can be challenging as well as rewarding. Conflict is going to happen in the workplace.
Farm of the Future
With today being Christmas, many of us will be giving special gifts to love ones. Today is as good as any day to also remember to celebrate with your loved ones the many things that have been accomplished on your farm or ranch.
Colorado Ag Today
We all enjoy being with people who like what they do. Grumbling and whining are never what people want to have to listen to. How much time do you spend looking at and discussing your half-empty glass?
Colorado Ag Today
Does your family business have a Code of Conduct in place?
Farm of the Future
Too often it seems, you see folks airing their frustrations or negative issues through social media sites like Facebook. That isn't the way to run a business, especially a family business.
Farm of the Future
Universities have been having graduations around the West in the last several weeks. Many young people are returning home to the farm — either for the summer or perhaps as the start to their new career in the family business. Does your family business have a Code of Conduct in place?
Land & Livestock Report
Family business consultant, author and farmer Jolene Brown cautions against a possible entitlement attitude when it comes to transferring your family's operation to the next generation.
Farm of the Future
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and while I know many farmers and ranchers may not share their thoughts of love through candy and flowers .... which is fine — simple appreciate can go a long way with those you love. Often we forget to tell those closest to us how very much we love and appreciate them.
Land & Livestock Report
Being in business with your family can be challenging as well as rewarding. Conflict is going to happen in the workplace. The issue comes when it is not handled directly or it festers.
Farm of the Future
One of my definitions of a good day is actively learning something new, surrounding by farmers and ranchers with a good dose of laughter. That is what I experienced on Tuesday when I attended the Washington Association of Wheat Growers AMMO program with family business consultant and farmer herself Jolene Brown who discussed "The Positives of Passing it On!"
Farm of the Future
With today being Christmas, many of us will be giving special gifts to love ones. Today is as good as any day to also remember to celebrate with your loved ones the many things that have been accomplished on your farm or ranch.
Land & Livestock Report
We all enjoy being with people who like what they do. Grumbling and whining are never what people want to have to listen to. How much time do you spend looking at and discussing your half-empty glass?
Farm of the Future
If your son or daughter are taking their summer break from school to come back to your family's farm or the ranch to work, consider the benefits of them working for someone else rather than you.
Farm of the Future
Well, it's April's Fool Day and when it comes to family business plans and promises, if you don't have it in writing you may very well be fooling yourself.
Farm of the Future
If your son or daughter are taking their summer break from school to come back to your family's farm or the ranch to work, consider the benefits of them working for someone else rather than you.
Farm of the Future
We all enjoy being with people who like what they do. Grumbling and whining are never what people want to have to listen to. How much time do you spend looking at and discussing your half-empty glass?
Farm of the Future
Are you working with your son, daughter or even your grandchildren on your farm or ranch? Have you considered lately what kind of coach or teacher you are?
Farm of the Future
Everyone has arguments or conflicts from time to time on family farms and ranches, that's normal. But has your ag operation considered creating a conflict resolution procedure?