Search: interstate
12 Results
12 Results
Idaho Ag Today
The intent and end goal of the recently announced National Milk Testing Strategy, designed to expand monitoring, detection and response efforts to H5n1,
The Agribusiness Update
The National Milk Producers Federation supports USDA orders on the testing lactating cows, and USDA partners with rural cooperatives, local organizations, and tribes to support more high-speed internet deployment in 11 states.
The Agribusiness Update
The U.S. food retail sector experienced substantial consolidation over the thirty years, and Organic Farmers Association applauds announced emergency financial relief for organic farmers.
The Agribusiness Update
The U.S. food retail sector experienced substantial consolidation over the thirty years, and Organic Farmers Association applauds announced emergency financial relief for organic farmers.
The Agribusiness Update
The produce industry in the U.S. and Canada is calling for fast action on the supply chain crisis, and World Food Price Barometer surges to highest since 2011.
Fruit Grower Report
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo says they're doing what they can to fix a broken part of the supply chain, key to the ag and food sector, and that's a huge shortage of truck drivers.
Food Forethought
Several states are filing suit and challenging California's cage size standards for egg laying hens.
Food Forethought
Vilsack ruffles feathers with recent comment on so-called "King Amendment".
Food Forethought
The "Protect Interstate Commerce Act" holds great interest for all producers involved in animal agriculture.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
December 28th the USDA will publish its final rule outlining animal disease traceability, and Washington growers appointed to NPPB.