Search: grasshoppers
8 Results
8 Results
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers along the California-Oregon border have reported millions of dollars in losses from a torrent of grasshoppers and Mormon crickets, and Congress introduces legislation to give organic producers tools to increase capacity, reach new markets, and grow businesses.
The Agribusiness Update
Ethanol output jumped to highest level in a month, and global food prices fall by biggest amount since 2008.
The Agribusiness Update
Ethanol output jumped to highest level in a month, and global food prices fall by biggest amount since 2008.
California Ag Today
One negative consequence of the dry year has been an unusually high infestation of grasshoppers in some parts of California.
Northwest Report
A furniture store is working to help promote ag...the Mexican government is standing firm and Lacy takes a look at controlled burning.
From The Editor
While environmentalists blame production agriculture for destroying habitat trust me they'll be on their knees begging for pesticides when they see the carnage that one little critter could reap this summer throughout our Western states.
Northwest Report
Brazil is leveling sanction on some U.S. ag products, Mother Nature does not seem to be done with winter in the northwest and Lacy takes a look at biblical in nature problem.
Line on Agriculture
Now is a critical time for farmers and ranchers in parts of eastern and southern Oregon as millions of young grasshoppers emerge.