Search: fuels
187 Results
187 Results
Line on Agriculture
A circuit recently decided to vacate decisions made by the Environmental Protection Agency to deny 2022 refinery exemptions from the renewable fuel standards.
The Agribusiness Update
House Ag Committee Chair and Senate Ag Committee Ranking Member react to the FY 2023 SNAP Payment Error Rate, and The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association welcomes SCOTUS decision that reins in the legal concept of Chevron deference.
The Agribusiness Update
With the supply of Mexican avocados tapering off and prices rising, California growers have ramped up harvest, and Rabobank’s 2024 July 4th Barbecue Index reached an unprecedented level this year.
The Agribusiness Update
The thirty-sixth annual Georgia Peanut Tour will be held September 17-19 in and around Americus, Georgia, and Rabobank’s 2024 July 4th Barbecue Index reached an unprecedented level this year.
The Agribusiness Update
The U.S. and European Union are taking steps to acquire or manufacture H5N1 bird flu vaccines, and renewable diesel has displaced biodiesel in Renewable Fuel Standard volume mandates.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
More and more attention is being paid to biofuels and the fuel combinations available to consumers. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor has the latest.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
More and more attention is being paid to biofuels and the fuel combinations available to consumers. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor has the latest.
The Agribusiness Update
Heavy rainstorms this spring have boosted California’s water supply for farming but have dampened farmers market attendance and crop selection, and the USDA has mandated testing for H5N1 of dairy cattle that cross state lines in a move to protect the livestock industry.
The Agribusiness Update
Attorneys generals from 25 states, including Florida, Georgia and Alabama, have sued the EPA to block rules to reduce emissions from cars and encourage electric vehicle manufacturing, and the USDA has mandated testing for H5N1 of dairy cattle that cross state lines in a move to protect the livestock industry.
Line on Agriculture
The Renewable Fuels Association says that there is not enough infrastructure in place to accommodate new tailpipe emissions standards and should have included ethanol as part of the Biden Administration's reduction goals.
Line on Agriculture
The Renewable Fuels Association is actively engaged in the national sustainable aviation fuel conversation and are watching to be sure that corn ethanol is being treated fairly when being evaluated as an ethanol source for SAF.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA’s Economic Research Service finds natural-cause mortality gap between rural and urban areas widened, and New Mexico joins three Western states in creating a clean transportation fuel standard.
The Agribusiness Update
UC Davis researchers are sharing new findings on how to access the sugars locked up in plant materials to convert them into new feedstocks, and the National Chicken Council’s 2024 Wing Report says Americans will devour 1.45 billion wings while watching the Super Bowl.
The Agribusiness Update
E-T-F Trends says plans for a biofuel plant in California could spur more investors to take a closer look at agricultural commodities, and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack announced USDA investments designed to support the U.S. specialty crops industry.
The Agribusiness Update
E-T-F Trends says plans for a biofuel plant in California could spur more investors to take a closer look at agricultural commodities, and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack announced USDA investments designed to support the U.S. specialty crops industry.
The Agribusiness Update
UC Davis researchers share new findings on accessing sugars locked up in plant materials to convert into new feedstocks to produce fuels, materials and chemicals, and cold weather sends ethanol production to its lowest point in three years.
The Agribusiness Update
UC Davis researchers share new findings on accessing sugars locked up in plant materials to convert into new feedstocks to produce fuels, materials and chemicals, and cold weather sends ethanol production to its lowest point in three years.
The Agribusiness Update
Donnie Wahlberg has joined Clean Fuels Alliance America in a campaign to raise awareness about Bioheat Fuel, and USDA Undersecretary Alexis Taylor will lead an agribusiness trade mission to India in April.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Liquid fuel sales, including ethanol blended gas, will continue for the foreseeable future, according to most experts, despite the politics of climate change.
California Ag Today
CHS, a major agricultural cooperative, prioritizes renewable fuels and trade negotiations in the coming year, according to Will Stafford, Director of Federal Affairs.