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The Agribusiness Update
UC Davis researchers find a gene in strawberries that may ward off deadly Fusarium wilt, and legislation introduced called the Next Generation Fuels Act in both House and Senate.
The Agribusiness Update
The California Farm Bureau is partnering up to support farmers and ranchers who help employees become U.S. citizens, and a new report finds just 11% of America's rural children are enrolled in afterschool programs.
The Agribusiness Update
The 84th Annual Georgia Farm Bureau Convention was back live on Jekyll Island, and new report finds just 11% of America's rural children are enrolled in some kind of afterschool program.
The Agribusiness Update
Ag Secretaries from U.S. and Mexico meet in Iowa, and recdent study finds corn and corn gluten are top two used plant-based ingredients in pet food products.
The Agribusiness Update
World Trade Organization finds China unfair in tariff-rate quotas, and end in sight for U.S.-China trade talks.