Search: bushels
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12 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Today, we're going to introduce you to some of your colleagues in the farming and ranching business. This time, Mater Farms on the Palouse.
Idaho Ag Today
Idaho’s barley crop declined in volume by 8 percent this year compared with last year.
Idaho Ag Today
USDAs latest quarterly look at small grains provided a final view of those crops for the 2024 growing season, with emphasis on wheat.
The Agribusiness Update
A record-setting year for the National Wheat Yield Contest dominated by PNW growers, and avian influenza losses near record.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
New $26 million grain loading facility being built east of Medical Lake by the Highline Grain LLC consortium.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Wheat harvest in the state below the five year average, but demand remains strong.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
State's apple crop expected to be a record breaker.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
People have the perception that harvesting apples is an unskilled labor force.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
No good news when it comes to USDA corn and soybean crop yield forecasts, but wheat growers are pleasantly surprised.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
USDA reporting another significant decline for national corn and soybean condition ratings.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Rail providers and river terminals are both integral in the export supply chain.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The new McCoy grain facility will have the rail loading speed of roughly 60 thousand bushels per hour.