Search: bale
7 Results
7 Results
California Ag Today
In partnership with the National Cotton Council (NCC), USDA is piloting a program for the 2024-2025 cotton crop that will allow bales to be shipped in four-bale groupings that use averaged quality data.
Southeast Regional Ag News
The National Cotton Council recently addressed a number of topics during their midyear meeting.
The Agribusiness Update
Georgia cotton producers votes to continue $1 per bale assessment that funds commission, and U.N. Food Price Index hits record.
California Ag Today
Agriculture Information Network’s Corryn La Rue spoke with John Deere Hay and Forage Marketing Manager Chase Milem at the World Ag Expo this month, and he says features of John Deere’s new W200 Series Windrower, 9000 Series Self-propelled Forage Harvester, and L341 Large Square Baler prioritize safety.
The Agribusiness Update
Is President Trump's support waning in farm country amid tariff talks, and Judge rules Glyphonsate does not have to be labeled carcinogen in California.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. Veal Producers suffer due to Dutch imports, and BLM Regulations Rollback
Line on Agriculture
An invasive specie is being quarantined to keep it from spreading to other areas of the U.S. like the Pacific Northwest.