Search: aquifer
44 Results
44 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB) voted to approve 11 new groundwater-to- surface water irrigation conversion projects for $13.3 million.
The Agribusiness Update
With agricultural overuse and drought draining aquifers in Arizona, the state is suing Saudi Arabia-based Fondomonte, and the USDA’s monthly wheat outlook shows a jump in export forecasts thanks to weaker exports from Russia and the EU.
Idaho Ag Today
IDWR Director finds shortfall in 2024 end-of-season Methodology Order
The Agribusiness Update
California’s historically wet winter motivated greater adoption of a water management strategy known as flood-managed aquifer recharge, and ag export values in FY 2023 declined while imports narrowly increased.
The Agribusiness Update
Ford Canada announces upcoming vehicles will no longer have AM radios, and USDA's National Ag Statistic Services is out with the 2023/24 wheat estimates.
The Agribusiness Update
Ford Canada announces upcoming vehicles will no longer have AM radios, and USDA's National Ag Statistic Services is out with the 2023/24 wheat estimates.
The Agribusiness Update
University of California researchers are offering insight on how to recharge groundwater, and the Senate passes a bipartisan disapproval of President Biden's WOTUS rule.
The Agribusiness Update
University of California researchers are offering insight on how to recharge groundwater, and the Senate passes a bipartisan disapproval of President Biden's WOTUS rule.
The Agribusiness Update
California water officials talk over plans for protecting state's aquifers, and global food prices down for the 11th straight month.
California Ag Today
In dry years surface water becomes scarce, and we rely on these aquifers to make up some of the difference.
The Agribusiness Update
University of California researchers are pouring water onto farmland during the winter months to help replenish groundwater supplies, and USApple announces that its annual crop outlook and marketing conference will be held in-person this August.
California Ag Today
While drought is not new to California, changing temperatures are making it more difficult to manage.
California Ag Today
Water issues continue to be the most pressing threat to many of our state’s farmers and ranchers.
Idaho Ag Today
The Idaho Water Resource Board recharged approximately 447,950 acre-feet of water into the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Bureau of Reclamation commits to ensuring water for farms and communities in Odessa Subarea.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Bureau of Reclamation commits to ensuring water for farms and communities in Odessa Subarea.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Potato Growers that rely on the Odessa aquifer may be running out of water.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Potato growers that rely on the Odessa aquifer may be running out of water.