Search: Ashley
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8 Results
Southeast Regional Ag News
By career, Dr. Ashley Sturgeon is a dermatologist. By lifestyle, she is the wife of a cotton farmer who’s learned some tips and tricks about being safe in the farm world.
Fruit Grower Report
A Non-Profit Winery Hopes to Help Provide Healthcare for Walla Walla Wine Industry Workers
Land & Livestock Report
The most recent news in the EPA's proposed Waters of the United States is that last week, the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology released maps of waters and wetlands that the EPA until that time had refrained from making public.
Land & Livestock Report
Last week Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Corp of Army Engineers proposed an expansion of the federal authority over the water of the United States. Under this expansion, essentially all waters in the country would be subject to regulation by the EPA and the Corps, regardless of size or continuity of flow.
Land & Livestock Report
Not once but twice earlier this year, the Environmental Protection Agency has admitted to releasing personal information of cattle producers to third party organizations.
Land & Livestock Report
Friday the EPA announced that it would not raise regulations on dust under the Clean Air Act and will retain the Current Coarse Particulate Matter Standards.