Search: cow herd
8 Results
8 Results
California Ag Today
Randy Blach, CattleFax CEO, says we're seeing strong economic signals to put more weight on each animal.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Randy Blach, CattleFax CEO, says we’re getting strong economic signals to put more weight on each animal.
California Ag Today
Randy Black, CattleFax CEO, says we're seeing the number of heifers being placed on feed slow down. That means the U.S beef cattle herd is neither liquidating nor expanding.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Randy Blach, CattleFax CEO, predicts January 1, 2025 will be the low in the nation’s beef cow herd.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Tyler Schau, a hedging strategist with, explains why he can be added to the list of optimists when it comes to the 2023 cattle market.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Can market fundamentals outweigh outside-market stressors? Hear from ShayLe Stewart, DTN livestock market analyst and host/founder of Cattle Market News.
Southeast Regional Ag News
US Cow Herd Hits Seven -Year Low
California Ag Today
The United States’ cow herd numbers hit a seven-year low, according to the USDA.
As of January 1st, the beef cow herd totaled 30.1 million head, down 2 percent from last year. Cow calf pairs total 91.9 million head, also down 2 percent.
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