Search: agronomy
42 Results
42 Results
Idaho Ag Today
University of Idaho will host the 57th annual Idaho Potato Conference Jan. 22-23, offering the latest research and news in the potato industry.
Farm of the Future
What does the rise of AI tools mean for the role of the agronomist, crop advisor, and pest control advisor in the future?
Farm of the Future
Scientists have developed a vast body of knowledge about how soils are formed and how they function, but gaps still exist in turning that information into real solutions for growers.
Farm of the Future
Will advancements in AI help to turn farm data into profitable insights?
Line on Agriculture
Stripe rust is showing up in the US and if not managed properly, it can lead to yield reductions and wheat crop losses.
Farm of the Future
Fall is a great time of year to look ahead to next season’s crop fertility needs.
Farm of the Future
Carbon sequestration has become the focus of agtech companies, but for farmers, agronomy and economics still come first.
Farm of the Future
Now that we are into the growing season, it’s important to think about finding the right foliar nutrition products.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Cover crops can help improve soil health and bring in added revenue.
Southeast Regional Ag News
The soil’s skin is the interface between the surface of the soil and the atmosphere. Caring for it , according to certified crop advisor Tom Kilcer, is critical for building soil health and structure.
Farm of the Future
To maximize production while minimizing inputs, Sound Ag is improving the interactions between plants and microbes.
Farm of the Future
BASF’s Curtis Rainbolt says it’s important to get a head start with your weed management.
Farm of the Future
Pattern Ag can give growers a look at their soil biology that they’ve never seen before.
Farm of the Future
Fall is the perfect time for growers to start putting together a soil fertility plan.
Farm of the Future
Understanding the role of adjuvants as a part of a well-rounded crop protection program is important.
Farm of the Future
What if the casual hallway conversations at ag shows was the entire point of an ag show? Oh, and it was on ice.
Farm of the Future
Farmer Jake Smoker said having these prescriptions at his fingertips is a lifesaver.
Farm of the Future
A data-driven approach to nitrogen management can sure pay off in years like this one.
Farm of the Future
California-based agronomist John Silvera was attracted to Agworld for its mapping capabilities, but the budgeting tool has been a game-changer.
Farm of the Future
Independent crop consultants have been around a long time, but their relevance is only growing with the amount of money they can save for farmer clients.