Search: ag economics
7 Results
7 Results
Farm of the Future
The average age of the American farmer continues to go up, while other countries are seeing the opposite trend.
Farm of the Future
Farms are the foundation of our food system, but a lot can happen between the farmgate and consumption.
Line on Agriculture
The farm sector is still recovering from COVID-19 along with drought and inflation is causing troubled conditions.
Farm of the Future
Food companies and other buyers of agricultural products may want to provide more transparency to consumers, but it's not realistic for that burden to all fall on the farmer.
Farm of the Future
Despite a lot of efforts, there is still a massive disconnect between producers and consumers.
Farm of the Future
Farm incomes in the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank’s district flattened out in the second quarter of 2023.
Farm of the Future
As expenses are coming to an end this year, there are some major areas that are coming in over budget.