Search: Forage
49 Results
49 Results
Idaho Ag Today
On most dairies, the big question is “How do I put more milk in the tank?” One potential answer lies in improving persistency, or helping cows maintain milk production.
Idaho Ag Today
University of Nevada Professor John Cushman thinks Teff is a great crop.
Southeast Regional Ag News
University of Georgia Extension Forage Specialist Lisa Baxter explains that the pests can decimate a forage field overnight if the population is high enough.
Farm of the Future
Is it possible for solar farms to also be commercial agricultural producers?
The Agribusiness Update
UC Davis researchers are sharing new findings on how to access the sugars locked up in plant materials to convert them into new feedstocks, and the National Chicken Council’s 2024 Wing Report says Americans will devour 1.45 billion wings while watching the Super Bowl.
The Agribusiness Update
Florida approves first Hurrican Idalia recovery loans, and the National Chicken Council’s 2024 Wing Report says Americans will devour 1.45 billion wings while watching the Super Bowl.
The Agribusiness Update
CattleCon24 in Orlando, January 31 thru February 2, and the ag equipment market began a downward trend last year and dealers worry 2024 might be their roughest year since COVID.
The Agribusiness Update
Thanks to more rain, supplies of alfalfa hay and other forages in California have rebounded, and organic production becomes more concentrated on larger farms when consumer demand for organic increases.
Line on Agriculture
USDA Farm Service Agency Administrator, Zach Ducheneaux was interviewed by Line on Agriculture Host, Lorrie Boyer at the 2023 Commodity Classic in Orlando, Florida.
The Agribusiness Update
California farmers planting cover crops in Seeds for Bees program, and your 4th of July cookout is going to cost you more.
The Agribusiness Update
The yearly movement of cattle to summer grazing pastures is starting early thanks to drought conditions, and Crop insurance fraud case leads to 23 people charged and 17 others fined.
The Agribusiness Update
Over 11-million egg-laying hens lost to bird flu in past month, and more Livestock Forage Disaster relief on the way.
Line on Agriculture
Improve Your Bottom Line Through Proper Forage Storage.
The Agribusiness Update
More talks underway between U.S. and China trade officials, and USDA study finds lower greenhouse gas emissions from corn-based ethanol gas than previously believed.
Land & Livestock Report
A Look Back at the U.S. Hay Market Over the Last 100 Years
Colorado Ag Today
Program inspects forage or mulch before it is harvested to ensure there are no noxious weeds.
The Agribusiness Update
The Cattle Industry hits trail to Phoenix this month for 2018 Cattle Industry Convention, and 57% of the U.S. experiencing drought or dryness as wheat market watches.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
I'm Susan Allen . Like people, some horses and ponies have the propensity to gain weight and like their human counterparts, this brings with it a host of health issues. Teff is becoming more and more popular especially on the West side with the horse show crowd as a forage alternative. Here is Natalie Shaw, a teff specialists with WSU. Shaw is currently looking for growers fro the 2017 season for more information on Teff contact
Colorado Ag Today
A $1 million grant from the Natural Resources Conservation Services has been awarded to a group of Colorado State University researchers to examine how crop rotations and management can help improve soils through the retention of both carbon and water on the Western Great Plains — Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
FSA offices have been really busy assisting producers.