Search: Climate Smart Agriculture
12 Results
12 Results
Farm of the Future
Agricultural soils have the capacity to sequester massive amounts of carbon, but is it really financially feasible to do so?
Farm of the Future
Some farmers and ranchers have found a new revenue stream: selling carbon credits.
Farm of the Future
Driscoll's Marta Baptista sees the potential to dramatically reduce the need for synthetic pesticides in the future.
Farm of the Future
With the current interest in climate-smart agriculture, some anticipate the next Farm Bill to be very climate-focused.
Farm of the Future
Farmers are being looked to as a potential solution for climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil.
Farm of the Future
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing $300 million to improve the accuracy of greenhouse gas measurements.
Farm of the Future
Many companies are pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but proper collaborations are needed to make an impact.
Farm of the Future
Farmers for Soil Health wants to improve soil health across farm country.
Line on Agriculture
American Coalition for Ethanol Cheif Executive Officer, Brian Jennings
Farm of the Future
The USDA announced it will invest up to $2.8 billion in 70 selected projects.
Farm of the Future
Food companies wanting to be transparent are starting to label the climate impact of the food. How will this impact farming?
California Ag Today
The Almond Board of California recently produced the Cover Crop Best Management Practices guide.