Tommy Allen
Tom is one of the rare millennia’s in the cattle industry who has built his own herd without owning a ranch before the age of 30. Running 400 yearlings in 2013/2014 and a most recently a cow-calf operation, his hours in a sale yard, horseback checking cattle, love of rodeo plus the legacy of a grandfather who was a cattle buyer equal a man passionate about the cattle industry. Tommy joined the family business September 2014 as National Account Marketing Manager. After attending University of Idaho he graduated from Central Washington University. He was lucky enough to get the opportunity to intern at Edelman the world’s largest public relations firm. There he realized he wanted to return to agriculture and was hired by crop chemical company Wilber Ellis. Most recently he was one of the top salesmen for a large John Deere distributor specializing in selling wheat combine and tractors. His crop, cattle, and farm implement knowledge plus his energy and creativity has been a huge asset to the Ag Information Network of the West team, its listening audience and our national advertisers.