09/18/06 McMorris bill on wheat safety net

09/18/06 McMorris bill on wheat safety net

McMorris legislation addresses soft white wheat safety net. This is the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report. I'm Bob Hoff. Today's report next. Farm and Ranch September 18, 2006 Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris last week introduced the Wheat Counter Cyclical Payments Enhancement Act of 2006. The legislation requires the Secretary of Agriculture to determine counter-cyclical payments for wheat by class instead of national averages. McMorris says it is clear the existing counter-cyclical program is failing soft white wheat producers and is not providing the intended safety net. McMorris: "Senator Murray and I have been working with USDA hoping that we could do it within the agency. We've gone round and round with them and ultimately their attorney said no. So we have gone the legislative route." McMorris says the goal is to get her bill passed this year. McMorris: "We will most likely be here until the end of the year and there will be a lot of movement on a variety of bills. If not this year it will be my goal to get it attached to the 2007 Farm Bill." McMorris points out that House Agriculture Chairman Bob Goodlatte has been out to the Congresswoman's district twice and is aware of the soft white wheat safety net issue. McMorris: "He is sympathetic and I am hopeful because wheat growers have been good about making the trip to D.C. and he is aware of the situation, we may very well get something by the end of the year." McMorris' bill is cosponsored by Doc Hastings of Washington and Mike Simpson of Idaho. I'm Bob Hoff and that's the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on the Northwest Ag Information Network.
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