My name is Blake MATTHEWS, and I'm from Oakley, Idaho. So I got involved with tailgate talks. I at the time was serving as the chairman of the Board of Trustees for Leadership, Idaho Agriculture, and they were brought to us to see if we wanted to get involved with with those and kind of help get them out to the general ag community. And we thought it was a great thing. And so we, we pursued that and and that's how I kind of became to be involved with with the tailgate talks. Rick Waitley President, Waitley Associates. Well, it was an interesting situation. We always invite in Rick Nerbout about the executive director of Idaho Dairy Men's Association, and he came in and made this presentation. And in the presentation was this brand new program that they had rolled out called Tailgate Talks. And it was the identified the 12 most popular things that OSHA looks at on dairy operations. And so he made the presentation and there were several dairy folks in the audience and they said, wow, it's it's really worked well on our farm. This is how we've used it. This is how we've applied it. And it was probably a month later that we had a call from Rick Bruni and from Deborah Easterday Reaves. And they said, you know, we think this needs to go broader than that. It's not just about dairy. We we live and work in an industry that is not always safe. And while we love to brag about the commodities we raise, the where we place in the U.S., where we place in the world, and what we do with the different commodities. We don't like some of the other statistics, number of farm accidents, suicides and so forth. And so they said, let's let's go to work and identify really critical concerns to to general agriculture.