

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Fresh, nutrient dense feed grown indoors on your farm every day of the year. Hydrogreens systems grow quality nutrition without the need for expensive farmland, produce the same amount of feed year round regardless of season, or whether using a fraction of the water compared to traditional crop production. Ceo Dave Denison. Because it's fresh, it's sweet and it's the most readily available nutrition, so they love it, they eat more and then they perform really well. It's actually a treat to watch. They really do love it. Speaker1: My assumption is is that the livestock would far prefer fresh as opposed to dried out old hay. Speaker2: Yeah. So right now, it's so much of an animal's died, obviously, is the grain and hay. Whereas instead of giving them grain, we're sprouting that. And when you do that, so much of the nutrition is actually in the roots. And so we harvest the whole thing the roots, the sprouted grain, the top. And that six day old plant is about eight to 10 inches high. And then it goes for that sizer, and they've now got these delicious, sweet, absolutely nutrient and full of enzymes at the body that they're able to then fully absorb very, very quickly. And so, yes, sprouting from seeding to harvesting every six days, there's actually an optimal amount of enzymatic reaction that we're able to achieve at that six day mark that really adds a lot of value. Speaker1: So silage grown hydroponically and reaped at the push of a button completely automated.
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