Idaho culinary harvest tour

Idaho culinary harvest tour

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Idaho department of agriculture spokesperson Erica White talks about an Idaho culinary harvest tour where are the idea is to bring farmers and ranchers, restaurant owners and customers all together with a local flair.

: We are hosting a Culinary Harvest tour with Idaho State Department of AG through the Marketing Development Division. Through our program, Idaho Preferred, and our overall intention here is to help create education and promote our producers who are hard at work with such a bounty this season. We call it a Culinary harvest tour because we're focused on our food procurement system. So our chefs, our restaurants, procurement staff, some retailers, just anybody who's really interested in helping our food system. First and foremost, it's important to get to know where your food comes from. And so this is that direct connection to get a restaurant, a chef more directly integrated with where food's coming from. And then twofold is the procurement opportunities that exist. We're able to bring them directly to that producer. So if that restaurant wants to work with a grower to help grow food seasonally, maybe it's a seasonally rotating menu. We're helping provide that opportunity to make those connections. We're sure trying to show off agriculture. We want to make sure that we're showcasing everything from the rancher. Maybe it's beef cattle, maybe it's pork, maybe it's lamb. Just at this farm that we're at right now, we're looking at over 200 different varieties alone. Much of agriculture as we can show off. We even have caviar here today. Pretty robust. Speaker1: Pretty robust indeed.

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