Beef school

Beef school

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
The University of Idaho Beginning Rancher Development Program is designed to provide beginning ranchers with useful knowledge and resources to increase success in their operation. This 3-day in-person workshop will provide information on: animal health, handling, & evaluation; natural resource & financial management; beef slaughter & fabrication.   

Monday, July 8th – All About the Beef Cattle

Topics: Live Animal Evaluation; Beef Harvest Demonstration; Beef Quality Assurance Training.

Evaluate live cattle on muscle, fat/cover, structure, volume; demonstration of cattle harvest; practice low stress animal handling techniques.

Tuesday, July 9th – Animal Health and Resources Management

Topics: Forage; Grazing and Natural Resource Management; Animal Health; Financial Management.

Understand basics of ruminant digestive system; information on rotational grazing, proper stocking density for environmental sustainability; evaluate quality of feed samples; tools for financial management.

Wednesday, July 10th – Beef on the Rail

Topics: Beef Carcass Grading; Beef Carcass Fabrication; Sensory Evaluation.

Evaluate carcass USDA Yield and Quality Grades; demonstration of how to break down a beef carcass; understand the translation from cattle to beef products for the consumer.

Cost: $20/person equipment fee (participants will receive equipment such as knives etc.)

Funds are available for participants needing support for travel/lodging.

Contact Dr. Phil Bass, at for more information.

Program Overview:

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