Christiansen genetics owner Seth Christiansen told me how he started his business. Today as a kid, I mean, I was born and raised in agriculture. You know, my dad farms, my grandpa farms, great grandpa farmed. And so when I was 11 years old, I started milk cows for Mike Geddes out there in Bonita. I remember a kid that I was milking cows with said he was going to buy a bull calf and I hey, that's a good idea. And so I bought two one for Mike Geddes and one from Verlyn Ray out there in Bonita. And I raised those babies. Everything was the same. I fed them the same, treated them the same, Everything was identical. And when it came time to sell them, there's a significant difference in weight between the two. I remember asking Mike about, I says, What was the difference there? I said, Well, the one calf was half jersey. And so genetics are crucial. They received identical inputs throughout their entire lives, but due to the genetics of one calf versus the other, one calf was significantly more valuable. The straight Holstein gained faster than that after as he was. And so I was interested in genetics right from there on out. Speaker2: And I got to where I was raising a bunch of those bottle calves as a kid while I continued to milk cows for milk. And by the time I was 19, I went and served a mission for the church and I leased out my herd during that time. So the herd continued to grow. Graduated from Utah State with a degree in economics and minors in animal science and agribusiness. At 23 married my wife. Herd continued to grow in 2018, purchased the ranch here in Weston. John ended up bringing his herd and bringing it in, and we put John's herd together with my herd and put them together here in Weston. This is what I do full time is feeds my family. For most people, there's a real need to escape work and go do something different. And for me, I love what I do. I'm really blessed to do it with people. I enjoy being around to be able to work with my wife and kids and be based from home feel really, really blessed.