Talking to Jeff Cullers, who developed his passion for fishing from his grandpa and his stepdad, and a question came to mind. .What’s the most either crazy, fun, adventurous fishing incident that you've ever had? Speaker2: Oh my gosh, it would probably have to be. My stepfather's dad built boats for the Navy during World War II, and he built a couple of 40 foot fishing boats throughout his lifetime by hand, except for, you know, the electronics and the engines. But he put it all on there himself. So did a lot of saltwater fishing off the coast of North Carolina. But we were out one day, and it was my stepfather and my youngest brother. Matt and myself were out fishing for mackerel. My stepfather goes, I've got a big one. I've got a big one. He's fighting it, pulling in. I got gaff ready to go and this four foot hammerhead shark breaks the water. Oh no. You know, it's like, oh my gosh. So we're going to get as much of the line out. Obviously with sharks generally you can't get the hooks out. Just just you cut the line as short as you can. So get it. Gaff and my youngest brother Matt was there and he's sitting up front and he goes, put it up front with me, put it up front with me. And I'm like, I don't think you want that shark up front with you, my friend. So what we thought was a monster king ended up being a small hammerhead shark. Speaker1: Fishing for mackerel. All of a sudden. You see, it's a hammerhead. Please tell me that you said Holy mackerel! Speaker2: Hahaha I think I missed that one. Speaker1: Too corny for him to make up.