Jeremy Nielsen at work
Jeremy Nielsen goes all over the country calling on retail outlets that buy his fishing gear. And with that so-called workload, comes a lot of opportunities for him to pursue his passion.The coolest parts of my job is I do go see my customers and accounts regularly, whether that be Minnesota or Florida, Wisconsin, Arkansas. I get to fish pretty much all the best lakes for freshwater in the country. But fish favorite place to fish hands down is Mille Lacs Lake on opener. You catch about 100 to 150 smallmouth a day and the average size is about three and a half pounds. I go there for a week every year and my ribs and my hands can't touch anything after I'm done because they catch so many. Speaker1: Do you enjoy fly fishing? Speaker2: I do. So moving out here into the northwest is really pushed me to get into fly fishing. Lucky enough to know some really high level guys that have taken me out on the water and I've spent about four years now fly fishing. I think all these different aspects of fishing are so important because you'd be so surprised how they go into different species, or you're fishing in a river and you can pull off stuff from a lake or everything's so interchangeable. You'd be surprised when you get to use all these different techniques for catching fish, how you can use those same techniques in different situations where guys are looking at something very focused and in one way they're not really understanding what everybody else is doing. Every kind of fishing species or specialty is in its own silo and people are doing what they can to catch fish best that way. Speaker1: What a life.