Dave Dennison is CEO of Cubic Farms which is essentially a hydroponic producer of all kinds of ag products. I’ve talked with other hydroponic growers in the past and, since there is no soil involved, one of the huge benefits is no pests, like for instance bugs and weeds. His response. Exactly. So we don't need pesticides because we don't have pests. Everything is grown in a clean environment so that, you know, for example, on the Kubik Farm side of our technology for plants and salad products, traditional growing has been plagued with recalls for listeria, salmonella and others. And the odds of us ever having a recall are very, very low because it's grown in a clean environment. There's no birds flying overhead and defecating on crops, and it's grown in a clean environment without any soil hydroponically. It just sets you up. You're able to give that plant the perfect day every day for the right water temperature, nutrients, lighting, CO2. Everything is optimized for that plant and for the stage of that growth of that plant, germinating seed wants a different environment than one that's just about to be harvested so we can dial in on a per crop and per stage of crop basis within our cubic farm. Dave told me that they are starting to get into very large installations.