A big bear encounter while hunting for deer. You may remember yesterday we talked with Randy Moore, who was out hunting with his son and his nephew. They started at the base of a mountain, which had a flat spot between half and three quarters of the way up. Randy started climbing towards the flat spot because he had seen some deer up there, and while he was climbing, came right up on a bear seven feet away. What happened next? Speaker2: He just stared at me and I stared at him, but I didn't panic. And eventually, after about a minute and a half or two minutes, it turned and went over the flat spot and was gone. So I thought, I'll let my heart rate try to get back to normal after I waited a few minutes. Now I've still got 20ft to go to the flat spot, but I'm on the side of the steep mountain. I start hiking back up and I get right where I could stick my head up and look over the flat spot. And when I did, I guess that bear head circled around and he was on top of that flat spot. When I stuck my head up, he stuck his head over the side of the mountain and we're face to face, maybe 1 to 2ft apart. And I thought, I don't really like deer hunting much. Anyway, you can have these animals. And I slowly pulled up my 357 and my seven mag rifle and aimed them towards him and started backing down the hill really slow. When I got out of his sight, I started jogging down the hill and made it to my truck. Speaker1: Joined a short time after by his son and nephew. All very happy that things didn't go what they could have and that would have been so wrong.