Florida Ag Policy and Commodity Forum and EU Scraps Pesticide Cuts
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Florida Farm Bureau is excited to offer the second annual Ag Policy and Commodity Forum, to take place Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Gainesville.
www.floridafarmbureau.org reports the Ag Policy & Commodity Forum’s purpose is to provide an opportunity for committee members to gather and hear from a variety of speakers on relevant topics covering agriculture.
Attendees include state advisory committee members and technical advisors, Florida Farm Bureau employees and invited guests.
**The head of the European Commission has announced plans to scrap a proposal cutting EU pesticide use in half, an apparent concession to farmers who’ve been protesting in many countries against several regulations.
www.agrimarketing.com reports, pesticide reduction is among many grievances farmers in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and elsewhere have been demonstrating against.
They argue reducing pesticide use will negatively impact
their crops and put EU food production at risk.
**U.S. Chief Ag Negotiator, Doug McKalip expects the U.S. trade dispute with Mexico over genetically modified corn to be resolved by the end of the year.
www.agriculture.com reports Mexico published a presidential decree in 2020 banning GM corn, arguing it threatens the country's native corn varieties and could pose a threat to human health.
McKalip argues it’s about making sure nations adhere to their trade agreements and making science-based decisions.