Vet agreement
Vet School Resolution IntroducedOn Thursday morning, the Senate Agricultural Affairs Committee voted to introduce a resolution aimed to help address the problem of large-animal veterinarian shortages in the state. This is a simple resolution brought by the state’s livestock industry. The resolution would authorize the State Board of Education to have preliminary conversations with the state of Utah and Utah State University regarding the possibility of initiating an interstate vet program similar to the one Idaho has with Washington State University.
Farm Bureau members are all too familiar with the challenge of having enough large-animal veterinarians. IFBF Policy #123 states our support of efforts to incentivize vet students studying food animal medicine to practice in Idaho. Having an additional program with another neighboring state that has a vet school could allow more Idaho students to pursue training in this field.
We thank the members of the Senate Ag. Committee for voting to introduce the resolution, and we look forward to having a full hearing and committee discussion on the topic in the coming days.