Extended-Release Cattle Deworming
Extended-Release Cattle DewormingThe well-known benefits of deworming cattle include improved reproduction, higher daily gains, and heavier calves at weaning. However, using an extended-release dewormer can be a game changer that gives the greatest ROI. Dr. Jody Wade, a professional services veterinarian with Boehringer Ingelheim, talks about when to use an extended-release dewormer.
“That's one of the biggest questions we get from a lot of the producers and veterinarians that are using the extended-related products. But timing-wise, if you've got calves that are gonna be out on an extended grazing period - in other words, you're gonna wean them and pick them out on grass for over 60 days, so they’ll be out for maybe 100 to 120 or 150 days - that's where this product fits nicely. You don't have to go through the trouble of bringing them back up and getting another dewormer in them midway through the season if that's already taken care of with these extended-release products, so it's a lot less stress and a lot better bang for your buck.”
Wade says producers may hesitate because of the initial cost of a longer-acting dewormer, but there are significant payoffs.