Talk about being in a fox hole with someone. For years, I spent more time with GILBERT HERNDON than I could imagine. We were never in a literal fox hole, Gilbert was a photographer/producer on a bunch of outdoor shows with ESPN so we were in the wilderness all the time trying to bring outdoor adventures into peoples’ homes via television. We hunted turkeys, elk, Whitetail, pheasant… You name it, we were together hunting and documenting hunts with video. So on one shoot, GILBERT and I ended up on Saint Lawrence Island which was owned by indigenous people and Gilbert always honored the native cultures of the people we would meet. Here he is. One time I went to Alaska to an island which is named St. Lawrence Island which is an island owned by the Eskimos. It is 35 miles from Russia off the coast of Alaska in the Bering Straits. I am doing an interview with Paul Lapenguluk about their walrus skin boats that they hunt whales out of and how they make them and comes construct them. they use the walrus skins and split them and that is the outside of their boat hull. Someone cranked up a bulldozer behind him and was leveling gravel out on the beach there, I don’t know why they were leveling the gravel out there but this bulldozer is cranking up and running and messing with my audio and I asked Paul Lapenguluk what is this guy doing back here and when do you think you will be through with his bulldozer? He just kind of pauses and looks behind him at the bulldozer and then he looks back at me and says he will be finished when he is finished. I knew then you are on Eskimo time and you didn’t rush anything.