Anuvia Plant Nutrients and Novozymes have teamed up to develop a range of combined biotechnologies that will reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers in commercial agriculture. Sean Semones, Anuvia Research and Development Vice President, explains the new partnership.“Anuvia is extremely good at the formulation, the field development, registration and the commercialization of granular nutrition for broadacre crops in North America, and with Novozymes, we have a company that's in the field of advanced microbial technologies. So, it's a nice marriage of companies that have similar thought processes in terms of sustainability, and gives us a chance to add advanced microbial technologies to our granular platform.”
He says there will be no incremental cost to the grower, nor will they require changes to current farming practices.
“This makes a lot of sense for the grower in terms of not only maximizing their yield and ROI, but also allowing them to be good stewards to the land, which I know they all want to be, and ultimately improve soil health and continue to find ways to produce more with less.”
Anuvia takes organic residues from a wide array of sources and recycles them back to the land. The resulting products mean farmers will require less synthetic fertilizer per acre.
“Our technology has a unique release profile that allows for improved uptake by the crop plant, that leads to increased yield compared to traditional conventional nutrition, that leads to less nutrient runoff leaching through the soil, ultimately ending up in the groundwater, and we're talking primarily nitrogen and phosphorus. It also leads to less loss of nitrogen to the atmosphere. So, there's a lot of benefit in terms of greenhouse gas accumulation carbon sequestration to the soil, regenerate ag and soil health.”
The partnership envisions several generations of the new technology, starting with a the first generation next year.
“Yeah, so, the generation one technology, which that is going to be a microbial that's added to the Anuvia technology platform that will supply 10 additional units of phosphorous to the crop per acre, that combined technology will launch in 2022 for crop year 2023. So, about the same time come next year, We're looking at that August-July timeframe.”
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