Reducing Harvest Losses In The Field

Reducing Harvest Losses In The Field

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.

In agriculture, we have gotten really good at producing more and more from every acre. But there’s a major problem that’s almost hidden in plain site that keeps production from reaching the market and takes dollars out of farmers’ pockets. That problem is combine loss.

Ganssle… ““We leave close to $3 billion worth of corn in the field, and that's just the United States, just corn, just one year. So what does that look like in multiple crops around the world every year? It's a huge number. So, there's a ton of opportunity for artificial intelligence to help.”

That’s Craig Ganssle, the founder of Farmwave. And while he used corn as an example, that problem is happening on most major crops. It’s a great story of not only reducing food loss and waste, but also of showing where artificial intelligence can add real value on the farm. It can count individual kernels that are not making it into the combine to give farmers the ability to adjust their settings in real time to literally capture more from every acre.

Ganssle… “Farmers spend so much time, resources, energy, putting everything in the ground at the beginning of the season, caring for it all season long. When it's time to get it out, don't just roll through the field and hope for the best. We wanted to empower them during that time.”

To learn more about this harvest vision system and get more from every acre visit

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