Dr. James Radtke, Senior Vice President of Product Development for Cibus discusses their SU Canola which is non-transgenic and was developed using the Rapid Trait Development System. David Sparks… and Dr. Radtke has a fascinating observation regarding crop rotation. "Why is it that farmers like the SU Canola? SU Canola offers a couple of different things. First and foremost, it is a chemistry that they understand. This type of chemistry has been used in other crops. Wheat, for example, has used SU’s for years and so they understand the chemistry. The specific SU chemistries that are used on our material are very effective and use only grams per acres. So it is a low use herbicide which is a positive thing for the environment. The other thing that it does well, is it doesn't carry over. So you don't apply it one year and then have an effect on the following crop the next year. Some chemistries do that, our system does not. The final thing that has been interesting when you have soybeans, they are all Roundup ready. So, Roundup ready soybeans, Roundup ready canola do not play well in a rotation. This is because one becomes a weed in the other.