Young People Invited to Explore 'New Frontiers' at AFBF Convention

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
The American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2024 Convention is quickly approaching, and this year the organization is partnering with 4-H, FFA and MANNRS to offer free registration to youth members. David Townsend, assistant director of member engagement, says this partnership ties perfectly into the Convention’s theme of “New Frontiers.”
Townsend… “This means that we're also looking to the future of agriculture, food, and natural Resources by highlighting the work of our partner youth organizations. This convention offers a snapshot of various opportunities available for Farm Bureau members at the local level as well that Junior MANNERS, 4-H, and FFA members can get a view of at convention and then implement back home. There's just so much that happens at convention that is a great representation of ways that youth in agriculture can get involved.”
The Sunday schedule includes programming specifically focused on youth. Townsend talks about why young people should be interested in the national convention.
Townsend… “If middle school and high school aged members are curious about how to get involved with Farm Bureau, convention is the place that offers a great look into what's available for the organization but without the cost of a registration fee. This free registration for youth members includes the entire convention experience, and on Sunday, January 21, we host an intentional youth convention experience that we call the Youth Leadership Program. It includes a leadership development training and free attendance for a youth-focused leadership luncheon this year.”
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