Canola Acres On The Rise In America

Canola Acres On The Rise In America

Russell Nemetz
Russell Nemetz
More farmers are adopting new planting rotations to take advantage of the agronomic benefits. And one of these crops is canola. U.S. Canola Association president Andrew Moore explains why.

"Farmers are interested in moving in a direction that changes the scope of what they're doing in agronomy and production practices," said Moore. "They're trying to add value in rotation and adding value in less or changing up crop protection products is important. So, adding in that broad leaf into a rotation with cereal grains is extremely important across the U.S."

Columbia Grain CEO Jeff Van Pevanage says in addition to the agronomic benefits, there’s also financial benefits to raising canola and they want to help growers maximize their return on investment.

Speaker4: "Yes, we want to be there to help support them; show them how to grow it; and show them how to market it," said Van Pevanage. What's the market looking for? We want to be able to have open discussions about how to increase the acres and how to change your rotations around. Our job out there is really to bring markets to growers and show them what consumers want."

Helping to drive the demand for canola acres across America is the need for more biofuels.

Source: Ag Information Network & Western Ag Network

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