Chuckers and hens

Chuckers and hens

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Dog trainer and Griffon breeder Kyle Edmondson has an unusual hobby and I asked him about it. Hey, I hear you have a story about the neighborhood chucker that comes in every night and roosts in the henhouse with the chickens. Speaker2: I call him my Recall chuckers. They're escapees from the past year. Everybody's heard of recall Bob White. But I've found a nice recording of chucker sounds. I put it on a little Bluetooth speaker, hook it to my phone, set it out in the chicken coop, and would call these chuckers back every evening and they'd come back in. Now they just come back in on their own roost with the chickens almost every night. I'm really hoping that I get a hatch in the neighborhood. We had a local golf course here in town that my son worked for for years when he was in high school. And he would tell me about this guy over at the golf course, and he had chuckers that escaped and they lived on the golf course. And that covey just kept getting bigger and bigger. So when these birds escaped, I didn't think they'd live through the cats in the neighborhood, but they seemed to figure it out. You watch them every evening, bounce from house to house on the way back. They just go rooftop to rooftop. It's a lot of fun. They go right in. They eat chicken food. I always keep a few birds around for training. I've got pigeon coops that I keep for training. Pigeons are kind of messy, so there's always feed out underneath the coops. They'll come in, pick that up. I always leave water out for them. My neighbor across the street loves it. He's got a rooster living in his backyard and the chuckers will go to his place a lot too, because he's now feeding. Speaker1: Sounds like a fun neighborhood.
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