What is gamey

What is gamey

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
It's too gamey. Or is it? Outdoorsman and wild game chef Christopher Claunch has a perspective on the use of the term gamey in relation to wild game. Speaker2: I went out in search of more wild game and I'd done a lot of elk and bear preparations just through hunting and it's one of my favorite and one of the things that I like to make clear right away. I'll talk about Bear. People say that when they eat things like elk, deer, bear, things like that, that they're gamey. And what gamey is to the palate could be translated as fresh and that we've been conditioned to find that to be almost an alien insult to our palate and consider gamey a bad thing. But it's actually really good. And if you go out in search of that freshness and you surprise a person's palate that's going out for a culinary experience, it ends up being pretty awesome. So a lot of culinarians or chefs or cooks or restaurateurs are afraid of this whole gamey connotation anyway. So some of it's education. And I like to do that because my niece is and her best friends that when they were ten years old, were eating some of the bear and the elk preparations I were making down here in Hagerman and saying, Oh my gosh, this is the best thing I've ever had in my life. And it just comes down to, well, it's your first experience with Fresh and you don't have that negative connotation. Speaker1: A lot of established hunters would agree with Clancy's perspective when it comes to eating what they harvest.
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