What to expect from an outfitter
Is there a money back guarantee with an outfitter? I asked Bill Burnett, good friend, great hunter and outfitter, if he ever had clients that weren't successful on a hunt or whatever, did they ask for their money back?You know, generally, these guys realize that you can't guarantee the outcome of a hunt on public land. There's just too many variables that you cannot control, and that's the nature of it. Every now and then, you get a guy who feels that the outfitter should have somehow controlled the game populations better. And, you know, most of those guys still don't ask for a refund and doing work for different outsiders, the only time I've noticed where guests may ask for a refund or may feel like things weren't exactly equitable is when they show up to a hunt and certain things aren't provided for them that they thought they would be. So a lot of times guys show up for the light archery hunt where we're just sleeping in bivys on the ground. And they were picturing a big wall tent, like on the front of Field and Stream with the fire going in the camp cook and, you know, the full Western postcard experience. And so a lot of times it's just getting people's expectations in line with the reality of the conditions.
Stated differently. Ask your outfitter what to be expecting.