Randy King's son 1
Outdoorsman extraordinaire and executive chef, with a specialty in preparing and serving wild game, Randy KING, shared a story about handing down the tradition of being a dad taking a kid along for a hunt.I am the proud father of three boys, my oldest being 20, middle one being 17 now. My youngest one turned 12 last year and we had the fortunate time to go out for his first couple of real big game hunts last fall. You can hunt when you're a little bit younger, but he's always been a little bit trigger shy, so he always jerks a bit when we take him to the range. So we decided that it wouldn't be best if we took him out deer hunting if he's not going to be able to accurately shoot the rifle. So he's gone and kind of accompanying. But this last year he did well at the range and we took him out on the deer hunt and we managed to find a place up in the UAE that had more two point deer than we knew what to do with. The only problem is that you're dealing with the 12 year old. It's not necessarily a problem. It's just that they're not as experienced of hunters as the deer stands up in 100 yards and starts slowly walking and you whistle. I need a good two seconds tops to put my crosshairs on him and pull the trigger. He needs 25 seconds to make that same situation happen. You need to make sure it's a good shot. We had as many opportunities in any single hunting day as I've ever had in my entire life, but it turned out to be one of my favorite experiences. He did it in a harvesting a little two point. Speaker1: Little two point to, a seasoned hunter, but a big two point for a first timer.