RD Trammel takes his grandson bass fishing. My oldest grandson. He wanted to go fishing. Good little fisherman. And he was dedicated to it. We get off and we go. Toledo. We're fishing on Toledo Bend, and it's early. Summertime fish either bite early, early in the morning or late in the afternoon. And I think I had caught seven fish. And he's back there and he's fishing hard, but he's not catching anything. And he's papa, man. I don't know why they not bite. I said, That's all right. You keep fishing. I said, Just slow down. So anyway, we're fishing along there and I'm throwing a lime green rattle trap and I throw it and one hit and I set the hook. And as soon as I set the hook, my phone rings. I'm holding the rod and I answer my phone and it's Brenda. I said, Hold on, I got to put you down. I laid the phone down on the deck and I'm talking to her and I start reeling this fish. And I said, Hey, I got a good fish on the line. Tanner, my grandson in the back. Papa, can I reel it? I said, No. Come on, Papa, let me read it. I said, No, you didn't catch it. Come on. I said, No, you didn't catch it, so you can't read it. I kept reading. I get him up, but I said, I'll tell you what I will do. I'll let you lift him sticking your hand down there and grabbing him in the mouth and bringing him in the boat. He said, okay. He gets him in the boat and his eyes is big. He said, Papa, that's one of the biggest fish I've ever seen. I would like to catch fish like that just one time. And good times like. Speaker2: That between a grandpa and grandson means a strong bond and a little boy who will ultimately become a great sportsman.